Friday, October 03, 2008

Testing Testing

Ehm, the process continues. I've got 90% of the paperwork done, will probably fax half of it out tomorrow. Still waiting on my last contact for the background check to get back to me, he's on the verge of getting replaced (dun dun dun). I think I ended up having to find...(counting)...8 contacts, thankfully some of them were repeated in other parts. Now I just have to hope when the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sends them the surveys they'll all fill them out and return them ASAP.

Wednesday I drove to Laporte Municipal Airport to visit the FAA medical examiner there. I'd never heard of an examiner having an office right in the FBO (Fixed Based Operations, like the terminal at small airports) but I guess that it makes sense. He was a pretty cool guy and helped me out a lot, he knew well how much rode on physicals like these and helped me relax. I also liked that he explained what he was doing with every step, good info to know. Couple of things I didn't expect was; a near vision test (I've never tested my near vision, only far) and a cardiograph (which got me a couple shaved patches on my chest, awesome). Regardless of surprises I breezed through the medical so I'm fit for duty in that regard, for one year, yay. Not that I was really worried in the first place.

Thursday I headed over to Fort Wayne for my drug test. The lady over there wasn't terribly enthused with dealing with me, at least that's how it felt. Apparently I come with a lot of paperwork, because that was the first thing she complained about, how I required so much more paperwork than the other drug testees. Suck it up lady, you didn't see the stack of crap I have back home, with more on the way later. So I was the only person there for testing so I quickly uh, filled my cup and got out of there. Somewhere in the mail are a couple vials of my piss, off to a lab somewhere. Obviously I'm not worried in the least about the drug test.

At some point I'll be headed over to South Bend ATCT for my MMPI2 test, which is a psychological test. 300 some questions that will determine if I'm too crazy for this job or not. Not entirely sure what to expect there, although Mike pointed out that all air traffic controllers are pretty damn crazy in the first thing so it can't be that hard to pass.

Mmm, not much else than that really...still looking for a place to live on and off. Found out someone on a forum I frequent lives there so I've asked him for a little advice on the area. Just trying to find out what I can about the area. Starting to think I may be in for some culture shock when I get out there, in my own country no less. Looking forward to this adventure, but as its also the rest of my life, precautions should be taken. Nonetheless, I'm itching to get out there.

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