Went to the Mill Race today and did some photography. I haven't been out on a photo trip in a long while so I thought it would be a good chance with the leaves finally changing. Also gave me some exercise on one of my running off days. Photo above was one of my attempts at HDR, which is a series of shots at different bracketing that are then merged together as one, giving it a much larger contrast range then usual. That at least is how its supposed to work, I'm not very good at it yet. Not good at nature photography in general yet, took 75 shots and only liked 5 of them enough to upload to Flickr. Well its a bit of a new field for me, I'll get lots of practice with it in Washington, that's for sure.
Mentioned this was one of my off days for running. For the past couple months I've been trying to work out almost every day. I think its safe to say its averaged out to about 6 out of 7 days a week. The routine consists of a 2 mile run, generally at a pretty slow pace compared to people who run often, then 20 push ups, 50 sit ups, a leg lift to failure and finally some weights. Not sure if this routine is effective or well rounded, its sort of something I just made up about a year and a half ago, when I was getting ready for Japan. After 2 months I can't tell really the exact amount of improvement. I've lost about 5 or 6 lbs but I seem to be stuck there. Definitely a lot more muscle now, not that there was much to begin with. Right leg seems to finally have come up to par with the left, couldn't believe the atrophy was that bad even after all this time. I guess my two part goal is 1) Keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control, which is important not only for health in general but also for my career. Bi-annual physicals and whatnot. 2) Get myself into at least respectable physical appearance. By that I guess I mean get rid of the gut. Its decreased but still needs more work. With Winter coming I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up. Would be nice to get all the way in shape before I start working but who knows.
Did say I was frustrated about something last time. Ended up writing down my thoughts and it came out as whiny and idiotic. Fairly certain my frustration is also a case of mistaken thoughts. To sum it up, I want people to be honest with me. Its all I ask of anyone really. I feel like I've lost/am losing a lot of friends because nobody is telling me the truth. I'm a shitty friend, I know this, and I suck at taking criticism, but I want everyone to be honest with me and tell me how they feel about me. If I'm unwanted then I don't want to be there. If I'm wanted then I don't want to feel unwanted.
Yeah, overboard I know, that's the way I am these days. Feel like once I get moving again I won't always be thinking like this. My idle mind just gets out of control I suppose.
Lastly, some friends had rough weeks. Tried to do my best for both, but only so much you can do through AIM, and only so much you can do as a friend. I like helping people, its odd but I do. It really gets to me when I can't do a damn thing to help someone when they could use some. Hopefully I got across to both that I really do care about how their lives are going.
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