So after running around the couple ATC message boards and calling back OKC I was able to get a slightly better picture of where I am. First of all, lots of people are getting last minute calls. Apparently entire classes even. I don't know if its just CTI people or what, or even if its still happening. But it is fairly normal to get 6 days notice, too bad I didn't know that last week. Secondly, I'm still in the list for last minute consideration. I'm not sure how far down said list I am, and other variable come into play as well, such as, classes aren't necessarily assigned based on who's next on the list but rather who heading where. That is to say, they'd bunch me up with other people going to Spokane or maybe just Washington in general. That leaves the possibility that I really boned myself on the November 25th class date if they don't send another group of people to Washington anytime soon. I'm not entirely sure how this all works though so I'll hope for the best. Finally, I did manage to dig up a schedule of classes at OKC, and specifically the class I'll be taking out there. I printed off the class dates starting from November 25th out till the end of March. It looks like they're running two sets of two classes a month. The next class will start December 15th, and after that December 23rd. Those seem awfully close together though, I thought they usually put a couple weeks between. Anyway, I have this handy list so as the dates trickle by and I don't get called I can just cross them off, cuz that'll just make me feel totally awesome...
Looks like nobody is going to be able to hang out around the Thanksgiving holiday, although some will be available after. Sucks but I understand people have their own lives and no one is nearly as open scheduled as I am. This will be my first Thanksgiving in 6 years at home, not terribly looking forward to it, family is already fighting over it. Hopefully people will want to hang out during the holidays or I'll get sent out to OKC before then.
A high school girl from Florida sent me a message on Facebook. She had been accepted to Embry-Riddle and really wanted to go but needed some grants and scholarships to help out, which is understandable, its an expensive school. She asked me to endorse her using the Alumni Endorsement Grant. Now, I'd never heard of this before, and to be honest I was pretty damn suspicious. But I did look up the grant and all it requires is for me to provide some info and my signature. The info given isn't terribly revealing (IE no social security numbers) and the girl's Facebook profile is real. I'm really just not very trusting of anyone but I agreed to help her out and endorse her. Its not like it costs me anything, and will get her $4k toward tuition over her 4 years. Honestly I wish I had known about this 5 years ago, would have been helpful.
Finally...hmm...this past weekend was really rough. Its been a long time since I've been so furious with myself, or felt the need to actually punch something to relieve that, but that was me when I saw the class dates out to April. I totally messed up, plain and simple. Perhaps I can take some happiness out of the fact that this was the first time in the hiring process where it was my own fault for the setback, but that fact that its potentially the largest setback so far makes sure I get no positive thoughts from it. So, feeling pretty damn shitty. However...somebody who I thought didn't think much of me sent me a message of support. Maybe she didn't think much of it but it really helped, it had the right timing, and knowing someone cares makes the difference.
So the coming weeks should be filled with excitement, disappointment, and trying not to kill my family. Honestly I can not wait until my life is the tedium of day by day work boredom, and to live somewhere where I can take a mini adventure whenever I have a day off.
How do I write so much in these rants but I can't even get 500 more words into my stories? Honestly...
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