So there's this rifle I've been interested in for about a year now. It's called the Schmidt-Rubin K-31. Its a Swiss rifle from the 1930s thru 1950s. The straight bolt and Swiss design grabbed my attention the first time I saw it. I literally fell in love with it. Its quite affordable too. Prices range from $90 to $200. So this week I finally bit the bullet (pun most definitely intended) and went to the Florida Gun Exchange to order my K31. Price is a bit higher then I expected, but thats because I paid for an "Excellent" condition rifle. I'm not sure when it will arrive but hopefully its before spring break. Now I've got to start buying all the accsories for it.
Finally, over the past few weeks I've been dwelving through some of the excellent asian art books I have. As of late my inspiration to draw has returned. College had effectively taken away interest in art, especially since this school offers no drawing or painting classes whatsoever. This also meant the style in which I drew became so simplified that it was basically cartoon to the max (kawaii anyone?). So, using examples from the artbooks to redevelop techniques, and some practice, I pumped out a drawing of a character I've had floating around in my head. I'm happy with the line art, now I'm just stuck on colors. If anyone (if anyone reads this) has any ideas on what colors to use, let me know. Mostly they just can't be blues or black. Anyway, I'll end with the linart.
I miss you...why won't you let me?
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