"I love a woman who can kick my ass."
How about a weekend report? Okay.
Friday afternoon we went and saw Jarhead. Interesting movie, I'm glad it did a better job of telling the story then the book supposedly did. Some parts seemed a little foggy on whether or not they could have been true. Overall it seemed like a good account of life for a soldier in the Gulf War. I think its worth seeing just so people understand more what life is like for the soldiers.
After we got back from the movie Jeff and Ryan invited us to go out to Deland with them. So we tagged along to the club and bar. Half Times (the club) sucked, never liked the place anyway. The Blue Martini (the bar) was awesome, by the end of the night it was packed with chicks. Ryan got wicked drunk and Jeff and to take him back home in Matt's RSX. 5 minutes down the road Ryan threw up. Matt and the two freshmen that tagged along got buzzed so once Jeff got back I drove Jeff's truck back with the freshmen. Laughed at Ryan when we got back, he was passed out in his bed covered in puke.
The next morning we got up early (early being 11am) and went out to a paintball field Jeff and Matt had found for us. When we got there the Scenario Paintball Team was there playing. They invited us to join them so we did. They kicked our asses. They had radios and lots of long range guys, within 30 seconds of contact they had us surrounded. It was good fun though, and we offered to be their OPFOR (opposing force) on Saturdays to help them practice. Played a few more rounds with some Scenario and Tourney kids. I had a perfect sniping position and was about to lay down some paint on the other team when I pull the trigger and nothing happened. I had run out of CO2. My backup tank ran out of air the next round too. Oh well.
The rest of the weekend was spent lazing about. I should have done lots of homework on Sunday but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Right now I'm in 3 simultaneous group projects. This is my punishment for taking an 18 credit semester of General Education classes. Of course 2 of them are due before Thanksgiving Break. I don't know why teachers are so damned obsessed with making everything due then, its really stressful on all the students.
Thats all.
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